Management and employees of SMYRNA believe communication and transparency are more important than ever during these difficult times and we would like to share immediate steps we have taken in addition to our existing procedures.
• Our standard procedures include hand washing throughout the day; wearing proper protective equipment while handling any materials involved in the manufacturing of our products. Additional hand sanitizer stations have been set up around our campus.
• Our current procedure is to sanitize all workspaces with Isopropyl Alcohol 99% throughout the day.
• Any employee who has a temperature over 37.3 C (99.1F) and any employee with a family member who may have the virus will not be permitted to work at SMYRNA .
• All domestic and international work travel has been suspended for employees for the next 30 days. We will reevaluate this timeline on a weekly basis.
• Visitors are limited to business necessity only and must be approved by Management. Visitors are defined as customers, vendors, and contractors. We ask that no overseas customers visit our facilities for the next 30 days. All approved visitors must complete a Health Screening Form prior to arrival and have their temperature taken. We will reevaluate this timeline on a weekly basis.
• Protective gloves will be worn when receiving mail or incoming freight and disposed of properly after use.
Safety and well being of our employees, families and our entire community is our top priority. We thank you for your continued trust and cooperation.